Sunday, June 30, 2013

Gold Foil + Pink

holy goodness. I've fallen in love. Gold Foil and Pink. The Perfect Combination. Seriously, try and tell me one combination that's better than that. (Okay, I can think of one. Johnny + June. But that's it.)

I just made this my background on my phone. 
How cute is this note set? I NEED. 

I don't know what to celebrate, but I like to think of myself as a party aficionado and can come up with a reason to party anytime. 

be. still. my. heart. 
straight swooning over here. I'm truly considering buying a $35 piece of paper, because, perfection. 

hey, guess what? they put my life motto on a pencil. check it. 

just so you know, you are all invited to my wedding. which is happening for the sole reason of giving me an excuse to send out this freakin' precious invite. le sigh. 

anything else y'all can find that involves pink, gold, and maybe some polka dots? 
let a girlfriend know. because she needs to fill some holes in her heart. 


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Thought of The Day

I bought a new book today called "The One Year Book of Inspiration for Girlfriends...juggling Not-So-Perfect, Often Crazy, but Gloriously Real Lives" (try saying that one five times fast!) by Ellen Miller. So far, I love it. The devotions are relatable and are not just about how we should lead perfect lives. Miller acknowledges that we are not perfect, that we don't always remember what our mommas taught us, and that we often forget Him.

Today's reading was the first in a series about "Sticks and Stones". The old saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." I agree with Miller when she calls bullshit. Because, um, I don't recall crying nearly as much when I broke my wrist then I did when I overheard that girl talking about me. Words hurt. They stick with you. They replay in your head over and over. That's never going to change and she doesn't try to convince you to just try and let it go. While we should not let what others think or say about us affect us, let's be honest. It's human nature. I especially struggle with this, I'm a people pleaser. I try to do everything, I try to take everything on, I try to be the best and let everyone know I'm capable of doing it all. But I'm not and I can't. Not only do I need Him to help me- I need support. I need support from my family and friends.

I have to remember that my family and friends matter. Which is why her second point is so important- we are hurt by words, but we hurt with our words as well. We sometimes say things that hurt other people. Choose to lift people up with your words and praises. I'm a firm believer that we can all pass it on. We can change a person's day with a friendly smile or a genuine compliment. So be the person to start the chain. Pass it on! Joy is a choice, so choose it. Why waste such a beautiful day- a true gift from God.

"Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your        words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." (Ephesians 4:29)

Friday, June 14, 2013


Goodness gracious. Please excuse my extended absence there- it's been a crazy few months.

I started a non- profit, finished a crazy school year, and have had plenty of going-ons in between.

I can't wait to get back to blogging more regularly, there is so much to share with y'all!

Anything exciting going on?
