Thursday, January 17, 2013

Got Acne?

Hey y'all!

I've been sick with what I'm convinced is the black plague. Bleh- any of y'all get it??

I've spent four days in bed with nothing to do, and I came across a bunch of fun stuff!

First things first. I had acne, bad acne. I've tried every potion, lotion, topical ointment, cream, antibiotic- you name it, I've tried it. Nothing has worked until these two things.

1- A dermatologist prescribed medication, Solodyn. It's worked wonders, and I would definitely suggest a trip to the dermi to inquire about it.

2- Cod Liver Oil. Holy smokes. Incredible. This article can tell you most everything you need to know, I highly recommend!

Hope all y'all are staying healthy, xo!

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